About us


Why join our walking group?

  • The Kenilworth Walking Women is a local walking group just for women, of all ages.
  • Our walking group meets in the evening, perfect for ladies who work during the day.
  • It is free of charge to join – just turn up at 7pm on Tuesday evening.
  • No membership required – just turn up when it suits you.
  • No commitment to walk every week – just walk when you can.
  • Anyone can join, whether you live in Kenilworth, or the surrounding areas, Leamington Spa, Warwick, Coventry or Balsall Common, as long as you can make your way to Abbey Fields car park every Tuesday evening.
  • Being a large friendly walking group, you can feel safe walking in the evening, even when it’s dark.
  • Walking is great for wellbeing – you’ll always have someone friendly to chat to on every walk!
  • Come alone or with a friend – you’ll always be made very welcome.#
  • If you’d like to join the social side of the walking group, you can join us after every walk, at the local pub!
  • We also enjoy social events such as theatre trips together.
  • During the nicer weather the group will occasionally walk at weekends – for example walking around Kenilworth Castle, walk along the Kenilworth Greenway or through Kenilworth Common.

Here is how the group came about.

By Tina Baxter, group founder and organiser.

“In December 2023 I was thinking ahead to 2024 about how I could improve my wellbeing. Two things included in my list, were getting to know some people in Kenilworth, and walking.

I’m fairly new to Kenilworth, moving to the town from Earlsdon in Coventry in February 2023. I knew I wanted to walk more, but didn’t want to walk on my own (my teenage daughter wasn’t interested in walking with me). I therefore had a look on Facebook to see if there were any local walking groups. However, most were during the week in the daytime, or dog walking groups…neither were for me as I work during the daytime and don’t have a dog!

I decided to put a post on the Kenilworth Vibes Facebook group to find out if there were any women, who like me, worked during the week, wanted to go walking, but not alone.

There were many! I had so many responses!! So I set up a Facebook group – The Kenilworth Walking Women and as I type this today, we have 1,265 members!!

Thankfully not all members walk every week – imagine that!!

Our first walk took place on the evening of Tuesday 9th January 2024, around 60 ladies came along and the rest is history.

And that is how the walking group came about!

Our first walk, meeting in the car park, amazed by how many women turned up – approximately 60!!

If you know somewhere where our poster could be shared, please download the PDF here – thanks so much!!